Sunday, October 24, 2010

Top 50 Education Technology Blogs to Follow

The following is a re-post from The Learning Master. It is well worth sharing on this blog for those who may have missed its original posting.

Top 50 Education Technology Blogs

March 5, 2010

Education technology has many supporters in its movement to alter traditional teaching methods. This list of the top 50 education technology blogs includes writers, technicians and social media experts…but they all are teachers. The “movers” are teachers who facilitate learning among other teachers and in the classroom, the “shakers” teach new philosophies and innovations, and the folks “on the ground” offer news, tools and methods of using those tools in the classroom.

This list is divided into those three categories, and each link within those categories is listed alphabetically. The links lead straight to the recently updated blogs, and the descriptions supply information about that blogger’s achievements, including careers and jobs.


  1. Always Learning: Kimberly Cofino is in her ninth year of teaching technology in international schools around the world.
  2. Artichoke: Peering into the artichoke for better models and designs for teaching and learning.
  3. Confessions of an Aca-Fan: Henry Jenkins is the Provost’s Professor of Communication, Journalism, and Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California.
  4. Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Vicki A. Davis Talks about teaching content with new tools, enthusiasm and the “belief that teaching is a noble calling…”
  5. Creating Lifelong Learners: Mathew Needleman is the founder of nearly twenty popular educational destinations on the internet and he offers practical tips for elementary teachers in teaching traditional and new media literacy.
  6. Digital Writing, Digital Teaching: Troy Hicks, an assistant professor of English at Central Michigan University, explores the variety of issues related to teaching writing with new media for K-16 teachers and teacher educators.
  7. dy/dan: Dan Meyer enjoys graphic design, filmmaking, motion graphics, and infographics, most of which have found their way into his math teaching in some way or another.
  8. education + emergent literacies: Melanie McBride is a Canadian educator, consultant and speaker specializing in Web 2.0 social and participatory media strategy for education and publishing.
  9. Generation YES Blog: This is the official voice of Generation YES, a company that facilitates change in schools that are interested in their potential as inclusive learning communities.
  10. Kathy Schrock’s Kaffeeklatsch: Kathy posts thoughts, discoveries, and ideas here as she discovers them, primarily on educational technology topics.
  11. Looksee Fishy Fish: Marcie Hull works as an educator at SLA, one of Philadelphia’s newer high schools in partnership with the Franklin Institute.
  12. Practical Theory: Chris Lehmann is the principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia.
  13. Sue Waters Blog: Sue Water’s passion for technology has lead to her transition from aquaculture lecturer to her current role as editor of The Edublogger and working for Edublogs as community facilitator.
  14. Teach 42: Steve Dembo currently works for Discovery Education, serving as the Online Community Manager for the Discovery Educator Network.
  15. The Story of My “Second Life”: This is one K-20 educator’s grant-funded immersion into and exploration of the “Second Life” (SL) experience to validate that 3D world of SL is the future of the web.
  16. The Thinking Stick: Jeff Utecht is interested in administration but more interested in leadership and how he, one person, can help educators prepare students for an unknown future.
  17. think:lab: Considering ideas, environments & tools that shape the future of learning & engagement.
  18. Weblogg-ed: Will Richardson is “Learner in Chief” at Connective Learning and the author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms.


  1. Absence of Limitations: Through over two decades of IT experience, Mr. Klein has become widely renowned as an aggressive technology leader, particularly in the areas of open source and social media.
  2. Blue Skunk Blog: Doug Johnson is the Director of Media and Technology for the Mankato (MN) Public Schools since 1991 and has served as an adjunct faculty member of Minnesota State University since 1990.
  3. Clive on Learning: Clive Shepherd is a consultant with an interest in all aspects of technology-assisted learning and communication.
  4. Connectivism and elearnspace: George Siemens is founder and president of Complexive Systems Inc., a research lab assisting organizations to develop integrated learning structures for global strategy execution.
  5. David Warlick’s 2 Cents Worth: David, a 34-year educator, opens himself up to criticism, deconstruction, recombination and more as he offers his ideas and an occasional widget.
  6. Drape’s Takes: Darren Draper is the director of technology services for the Canyons School District. This blog contains his takes on the world of educational technology.
  7. Ewan is one of Europe’s foremost experts in digital media for public services, particularly in education.
  8. Ideas and Thoughts: Dean Shareski is a digital learning consultant with the Prairie South School Division in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. He specializes in the use of technology in the classroom.
  9. Leigh Blackall: Leigh specializes in developing open educational resources and practices, facilitating online courses, and developing educational uses of social media.
  10. OLDaily: Stephen Downes works for the National Research Council, Institute for Information Technology, in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. He specializes in online learning, content syndication, and new media.
  11. Open Thinking: Dr. Alec Couros is a professor of educational technology and media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
  12. The Fischbowl: Karl Fisch currently is the Director of Technology at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado.
  13. The Strength of Weak Ties: David Jakes’ interests in educational technology include digital storytelling, the application of geography-based systems for learning, and developing online communities of learning through blogging, wiki and other connective technologies.

On the Ground

  1. Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Steven Anderson is a teacher, and he was one of the first recipients of the NOW Award, recognizing the “Movers and Shakers” in the world of Social Media at the 2009 #140 Conference in Los Angeles.
  2. Educational Technology: Ray Schroeder, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Springfield, has published this blog daily since 2002.
  3. EduWonk: Delivering educational news, analysis and commentary since 2004. Andrew Rotherham is the writer, and he is co-founder and publisher of Education Sector, as well.
  4. Electronic Frontier Foundation: EFF is a small, grassroots legal advocacy nonprofit supported by member contributions. They provide pro bono legal assistance in cases where they believe they can help shape the law.
  5. Free Technology for Teachers: Richard Byrne, a Google-certified teacher, offers reviews of free technology resources and how teachers can use them.
  6. iLearn Technology: This is an edublog about integrating technology into the classroom.
  7. Infinite Thinking Machine: Through an active blog, an Internet TV show, and other media resources, the ITM shares a “bazillion practical ideas” for turning the infinite universe of information into knowledge.
  8. Information Wants To Be Free: Meredith Farkas is head of Instructional Initiatives at Norwich University in Vermont and is an adjunct faculty member at San Jose State University’s School of Library and Information Science.
  9. mLearnopedia: Judy Brown has been involved in technology for learning for over 25 years and with mobile learning since 1996. She currently works on mobile learning with the Immersive Learning Technology Team at ADL.
  10. Moving at the Speed of Creativity: Wesley Fryer is a digital learning consultant, author, digital storyteller, educator and change agent. He uses this particular blog to teach others about available resources and how to use them.
  11. Nik’s Learning Technology Blog: You can find tips, resources and teaching materials to help EFL and ESL teachers use ICT and new technology at this blog.
  12. Ozge Karaoglu’s Blog: This blog is all about teaching and learning using 21st-century tools. Be sure to stay on top of this blog’s daily picks.
  13. ResearchBuzz: This blog has been around a long time (since 1998), and it covers the world of search engines, databases, and other online information collections.
  14. Teachers Teaching Teachers: This blog follows a weekly Webcast on the EdTechTalk channel of the WorldBridges network.
  15. TechTicker: Mike Bogle, educational technologist at the University of New South Wales, offers a blog that’s all about educational technology, e-learning and emerging technology.
  16. The Education Technology Blog: Jonathan Wylie, an elementary school teacher, focuses on relevant news for teachers who use technology.
  17. The Rapid E-Learning Blog: Great tips for teachers and students on learning, learning online and on using online tools for learning.
  18. The Whiteboard Blog: Danny Nicholson is a freelance educational consultant who focuses on the use of interactive whiteboards. This blog shows various ways to use those tools effectively in teaching and learning.
  19. Using ICT in Further Education: Patricia Donaghy is an ICT Teacher in Dublin, Ireland, and her blog focuses on resources that are freely available on the Internet and which may be used in education.

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